

Consumer Education

Client Recoveries

Eligibility Requirements

Arbitration and Mediation

Investor Advisory

Investor Education

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory Activities

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Who We Are

As a specialized commission, this office conducts inquiries and investigations into matters associated with fraud, suspect documents and money laundering.

We exist to ensure that the corporate finance industry is conducting business fairly and under the guidance and supervision of policies set forth by the United States.

We are an independent regulatory commission for investment firms.

We are committed in protecting the investing public and maintaining the market integrity through efficient governance and regulation of the industry.

What We Do

Investigate and Enforcement of Legal Actions

International Financial Crime & Fraud Investigations

Resrict Unfair, Abusice, and Fraudulent Business Practice

Development of Prevention, Detection, Internal Security Policies, Measures, and Procedures

Accept Consumer Complaints

• Comprehensive Background Checks
• International Financial Crime & Fraud Investigations

Dispute Resolution

• International Financial Crime & International
• Financial Tracking & Asset Recovery
• Anti-money Laundering & Counter-terrorism Financing Activity
• Litigation Support & Expert Witness Testimony/evidence

Educate the Investing Public




How We Are Funded

We receive funding from the Congress and we are answerable to the Treasury Department concerning financial allocation and distribution to employees.
We do not accept or charge any fees for any of the services we provide.

Contact Us




100 Vesey St
New York, NY 10007, United States